A magical extract out of the cannabis plant named CBD or Cannabidiol is well known for its beneficial herbal use in helping with the maintenance as well as improvement of many ailments. Although it’s derived from cannabis or marijuana plant still it’s the only compound extracted from this plant that doesn’t execute any drugged or psycho-suppression symptoms. Or in simple words, it doesn’t make you feel high. Can CBD oil help Diabetes? Lets find out.
Major benefits of CBD oil:
Majorly this CBD has shown to be quite effective and beneficial for chronic and severe pains, inflammations, depression, anxiety, stress, heart health, acne, epilepsy, overall fitness, and many other ailments. Along with all these benefits, it’s also found to be helpful for patients having diabetes and cancer.
Also, research is ongoing to see if this CBD can help in controlling blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and easing nerve pain that’s caused by diabetes.
Can CBD oil help Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that is linked by increased sugar levels in the bloodstream. This blood glucose is the body’s main source of energy that comes from the metabolism of food that we take up.
As food enters the stomach, it’s digested and metabolized into many compounds including glucose which stays in the blood until a natural hormone named Insulin takes up the good work by shifting extra glucose into other cells of the body to be stored for later use.
When, due to any underlying reason, the human body couldn’t produce or couldn’t make much amount of insulin or couldn’t properly use the produced insulin, the glucose keeps on penetrating the blood resulting in elevated blood glucose level, this is where diabetes begins.
Majorly, diabetes mellitus is of three types; type I, type II and gestational diabetes. Although diabetes has no cure you can take steps to control and manage your diabetes for a healthy lifestyle.
CBD Research Study Data:
Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and CBD has always shown anti-inflammatory properties thus it could help in regulating diabetes. Let’s see what research has to tell;
- Research study says that CBD has the capability of reducing insulin resistance and moderating blood sugars for people with type II diabetes who are not taking insulin.
Most studies for CBD’s effect on diabetes have been performed on mice or rats. Although it can give us an idea about the drug’s nature and capabilities or side effects conflict can occur due to environmental and physical variables in mice and humans.
- Physiologically, the people who have diabetes usually have less blood flow towards the brain. Using this criterion, researchers tested CBD on mice with less blood flow to the brain and found that CBD can:
- cut down hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
- lower cholesterol and bad fat levels in the bloodstream
- stimulate insulin production
All these factors are contributors towards controlling and managing diabetes so you can breathe tension-free as you now have extra support in the form of CBD.
- Other studies of CBD in mice or rats found that CBD can ease inflammation and pain caused by nerve damage.
- Another study states that CBD has the potential to promote HDL (good fat) in the blood whereas lowers LDL (bad fat) levels in the blood which ultimately improves the cholesterol balance of the blood. And this phenomenon can boost up your body’s ability to use glucose.
- Another shows data where CBD alone is not found to improve blood sugar and lipid levels I people with type II diabetes whereas a variation of THC did. Although, CBD did show potential in lowering insulin resistance in the body and boosts up gut hormone levels.
CBD Usage Guideline:
CBD comes in different dosage forms including drops, capsules, and vapes but FDA doesn’t regulate any of these products up till now whereas the only FDA-approved form of CBD oil is Epidiolex drug for treating childhood epilepsy specifically.
So it’s hard to say that any container of CBD will have the same amount and ingredients inside as labeled outside. For instance, many CBD products have shown THC traces upon testing. Also, many products haven’t come up to the labeled materials so you need to be very careful while purchasing a CBD product. It should always be purchased from a trusted manufacturer so you can benefit properly and also been verified by a third-party lab testing so you can assure that ingredients are true to the labeled amounts.
Possible side effects of CBD:
CBD can also pose mild side effects like:
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Diarrhea
- Dry mouth
CBD also impose some drug to herbal interactions so it’s always better to talk with your doctor before trying CBD if you are previously on a therapeutic medication for your ailment.
CBD Bottom line:
CBD has shown figures to stimulate insulin production, cutting down hyperglycemia, converting bad white fat into good brown fat and much another related potential, so it’s easy to state that a CBD can effectively help in defeating and improving diabetes. It can return you the good healthy life you haven’t experienced in the past many years. Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-depressing properties, it can make you feel like a heavy burden is drifted off from your shoulders and you’ll feel lighter and healthier again.