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Let’s discuss how get advantage from CBD oil for pain management.

What is pain?

Before proceeding on pain management, let’s first understand what pain is. Pain is an unpleasant sharp sensation and emotional experience that base somewhere with tissue damage. Pain sensation starts reflux action of the body and thus triggers to react and prevent further tissue damage.

How do we feel pain?

We feel pain in response to a stimulus. Stimulus means a source or an incidence and it may be internal like inflammation or external like cut or burn. And there are receptors everywhere all over the body which senses the stimuli, produces a signal and sends it to the nervous system so that immediate action can be started to stop further damage or loss.

When a signal travels through nerve fibers to the brain/nervous system for interpretation, a reflex action is produced to immediately stop the doing which is causing the pain. On the other hand, the damaged tissue continuously keeps on sending signals to the nervous system which we feel as pain. These signals keep us aware of potential damage that happened or happening in the body so that we can take appropriate action to prevent further damage.

System for CBD oil for pain management:

The system that receives CBD and manipulates pain is the Endocannabinoid System or ECS. It’s a full-fleshed whole system in our body that is responsible for many feelings including pain, immunity, memory, arousal, and appetite, etc. In our nervous system, there are, you can say, some charges or chemicals that bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptor (receivers) of this system and give us a sense of pain in response to stimuli (reaction or source of pain).

How pain is felt by ECS:

There are probably two interpretations that explain how CBD reacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors of our ECS system to stop or relieve the pain.

The first concept says, CBD when enters the body either by the bloodstream or directly into the brain, reaches CB1 and CB2 receptors and binds here. Binding of CBD doesn’t spare room for receiving pain signals coming from a damaged tissue hence the pain is relieved.

Whereas the second concept says CBD influences our body to use its own pain-relieving mechanisms more efficiently. Our body is naturally able to produce endocannabinoids which reduce pain sensation naturally on a lower level but definitely when stimuli are strong, they don’t seem to be much effective alone.

CBD itself does very little to the ECS and instead, it activates or inhibits other compounds in the endocannabinoid system to let our system cope with pain. For example, CBD stops the body from absorbing anandamides, a compound linked with regulating pain and that way, increased levels of anandamide in the bloodstream may help in reducing the amount of pain.

The third concept says, CBD may also restrict inflammation in the brain and nervous system, which may benefit people experiencing pain, insomnia, and other immune-system responses.

Analgesic Benefits of using CBD:

CBD is being used by people for thousands of years to treat different types of pain and now, even researchers have started reading it deeply to find out more about it.

Here are some of the possible pain-related benefits of using CBD oil:

  • Arthritis pain: Animals models are being used to see if CBD could help people with arthritis manage their pain. When a topical gel of CBD was applied to rats with arthritis for 4 days, a significant drop in inflammation and signs of pain was witnessed.
  • Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body and patients commonly suffer from muscle spasms that cause constant pain. Short-term use of CBD oil can reduce the levels of spasticity a person feels.
  • Chronic pain: Researchers claim that there is substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults as it can reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Other uses: CBD now has a wide range of applications including smoking cessation and drug withdrawal, treating seizures and epilepsy, anxiety treatment, reducing the onset of Alzheimer’s, antipsychotic effects, anti-acne, type 1 diabetes and cancer.

Although there’s still so much room for new researches to back up its benefits by clinical evidence it is emerging as a potentially promising and versatile treatment for many ailments.


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