Medical Marijuana

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Medical marijuana is any part of the marijuana
plant that you use to treat health problems . People use it to get relief from their symptoms, not to try to get high.

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The Autopsy of Cannabis

Cannabis, widely known as marijuana, is a conventional term used to indicate the few psychoactive arrangements of the Cannabis sativa plant. The core psychoactive constituent in cannabis is ∆-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, denoted as THC. The Mexican expression of marijuana is much of the time utilized in alluding to cannabis leaves or other unrefined plant material in numerous countries.

Components of Cannabis

More than 20 components constitute cannabis, which is commonly known as cannabinoids. It is still unknown what function cannabinoids possess, but experts are pretty sure about the functions of two major cannabinoids.

  • The CBD, having the abbreviation of cannabidiol. It is formerly known as non-psychoactive cannabidiol. It is mainly used to reduce inflammation and treat pain. It is further used to treat various secondary conditions such as anxiety, seizures, migraines, and nausea. The research is still undergoing to fully understand the potential use of cannabidiol.
  • The THC, having the abbreviation of tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the core psychoactive compound. And is used in various therapeutic and miscellaneous purposes.

The Therapeutic Uses of having cannabis

The cannabis not only have some adverse effects, which is still a debate, but is also have therapeutic uses in treating the various condition. Some of the noticeable therapeutic uses of cannabis are listed below

  • It is used as antiemetic in the patients having chemotherapy for cancer. The cancer chemotherapy, particularly with cisplatin agent, produces some serious vomiting and nausea, which are fairly hard to treat with the ordinary drugs of antiemetic, for instance, prochlorperazine. In the year 1972, the potential antiemetic effects of cannabis were found.
  • It is used to treat patients having Glaucoma. It is thought to be that cannabis lowers the intraocular pressures of the eye up to 45%. Decreased intraocular pressure results in the treatment or cure of glaucoma.
  • Cannabis is also used as a potential analgesic drug. It is used as a pain-killer in various diseases and is comparable to the codeine.
  • It is used as a muscle relaxant, particularly in those patients suffering from muscle spasticity.
  • It is also suggested that cannabis is used as an anticonvulsant. The cannabis temporarily decreases the activity of electromagnetic seizures which is caused by the electrical stimulation of subcortical, structures of the brain.
  • The noticeable use of cannabis is in bronchial asthma. The lower doses of cannabis results in a lesser outcome, however, the higher doses of cannabis results in an increased outcome.
  • Cannabis is also widely used to treat patients suffering from insomnia. The cannabis decreases the REM Rapid eye movement, thereby leaving the effects of the cure.

The Miscellaneous Uses of having cannabis

Apart from multiple therapeutic uses, cannabis also has some miscellaneous uses. The miscellaneous uses of cannabis are listed below

  • It is used to treat orthostatic hypotension.
  • cannabis is also used to treat Abstinence syndromes which are caused due to the depressants of the central nervous system.
  • cannabis has also shown the antineoplätic effect.
  • The cannabis also has antimicrobial action against the gram-negative bacteria as well as the gram-positive bacteria.
  • It is used to treat patients suffering from severe migraines.
  • The cannabis is also thought to stimulate the appetite.

The short term effects of having cannabis

Along with the therapeutic and miscellaneous uses, cannabis does have some short term effects. Some short effects are beneficial, while the rest of the short term effects can cause problems too. The short term effects are listed below

  1. Encountering things around you, for example, sight and sounds, more intensely
  2. Decreased response time
  3. Feeling of tiredness or lethargic.
  4. Heart rate increased
  5. Blood pressure decreased
  6. Nausea and vomiting
  7. Relaxed and feeling of easiness

The long term effects of having cannabis

The research under the supervision of experts are still going on, to understand fully the cannabis long term effects. However, some of the probable long term effects of cannabis are listed below.

  • Cannabis showed a potential effect on brain development, particularly in adolescents.
  •  Many people eventually develop a dependence on cannabis. They cannot live without having cannabis every single day.
  • The use of cannabis leads to various respiratory problems including chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer, etch.

Some adverse effects of cannabis

In many of the world’s developed societies, cannabis is a widely used drug. However, the psychological, biological as well as health benefits of cannabis are still unknown and is a topic of debate in many societies. Here we summaries the adverse effect of cannabis depending upon the severity

Acute effects of using cannabis

  • Nervousness and frenzy, particularly in those who have newly started taking cannabis.
  • Impaired memory, lack of concentration as well as decreases psychomotor performance when intoxicated.
  • A very possible to have an accident, if the individuals drive a car using cannabis.
  • Increased danger of crazy manifestations among the individuals who are
  • Increased psychotic symptoms in those individuals having a probable family history of psychosis.


Chronic effects of using cannabis (uncertain, but generally probable)

  • Chronic bronchitis, including the histopathological changes, which might trigger the development of some malignant disease in the body.
  • Potential to develop cannabis dependence syndrome i.e. it will become difficult for an individual to leave the use of cannabis.
  • Impaired memory along with attention, while the individual remains intoxicated. This condition can be reversible or irreversible depending upon the potential long-term use of cannabis.

Some Possible adverse effects of using cannabis (to be affirmed)

  • Higher chances of developing various cancers, such as cancer of the esophagus, oral cavity, pharynx. The individual is also prone to develop leukemia.
  • Those individuals who wish to get a higher education, they will be impaired educational attainment.

Groups which are at higher risk of experiencing the adverse effects of cannabis

  • Especially adolescents, those with a poor history of performance. Started taking the use of cannabis in early age results in the adverse effects of cannabis.
  • Women, who smoke as well as make use of cannabis during pregnancy are at a very higher risk of having a miscarriage or a baby born with some biological default.
  • People with secondary disease, such as heart disease, asthma, bronchitis of lungs, etc.